Sunday, 30 October 2011

Wedding Day!

Arrived at Bernie's and sat around with hash browns and sausage and egg mcmuffins while Bernie had a little freak out that she had lost 1.5kg due to stress, all off her chest and that her dress didn't fit!

On our way to Museo for hair and makeup
Sitting around Bernie's living room with the bridesmaids before heading off to Museo. Everyone is really excited and it is going to be an awesome day! Bernie did a very good imitation of a fly as you can see!

Emma was done quick, while Judy is still going

So many bobby pins!

Judy and Bernie being made up

Part 1 complete! Anita and I are sitting in the relaxation room at Museo eating all the goodies after having our makeup done. Bernie, Emma and Judy were getting their hair done and they look awesome! Feeling very pampered and excited for the rest of the day!

Nearly done! Miracle of Miracles they could do something with my hair! Bernie is just finishing with her makeup and we are feasting on the awesome orange crisps!

An awesome feast of chicken and avocado rolls, fruit, apricot squares and meringues! A minor hiccup with Bernie's headband digging into her scalp but all fixed by Emma with some foam!

The dressing...a very funny sight to see! The bridesmaids were in their dresses very quickly and then we all had to help Bernie into her dress, which included Emma standing on the bed!

We're on our way! All dressed up with somewhere awesome to go! Bernie looks amazing and we haven't had any major wardrobe malfunctions! Bernie says "this is fun" as we drive along.

4:00pm CEREMONY!

Well Bernie and Mike are off for their photos without the bridal party (check some out here) but the bridesmaids are hanging around near where we had our photos in case we are needed. We all have sore feet but keep telling each other not to take our shoes off until we won't have to put them back on! We decided to head to the reception and end up having lots of silly photos with the groomsmen.

Having made our entrance into the reception and been served our drinks, the girls all get up from the table and start socialising while the boys stay put!

Now I have to admit...from here on out it gets a bit blurry! We had a fantastic night...we did the time warp, Mike bought me a Cosmo, we took Bernie's hair out (I wish I had counted those bobby pins!), we basically had an awesome time celebrating!

More photos from the day - enjoy!

Mr and Mrs Nye

Monday, 24 October 2011

On our own

Well, this weekend was a little different to the past month or so because we did not hang out together! I know what you're thinking, "that is not possible!" but it was. Now it is Monday night, we have been to yoga, eaten noodle box and are watching 27 Dresses in preparation for WEDDING WEEK!

So here is a run down of my (Sarah) weekend.

Saturday consisted of lots of running around- getting my dress altered, buying shoes for the wedding, buying some more work clothes (stuff doesn't fit!) then falling into an exhausted nap on the couch! Sunday started early to head over to Rottnest for the fun run. Meeting up with Robyn Power and cruising over to Rotto was such a good move. It was so great to hang out with Robyn, and we got to chat about where we are at and future plans and it made me realize how special it is to hang out with people who build you up and encourage you and not tear you down. Running in the 5km race, I was really happy with my run. I kept a steady pace and managed to run up the hill to the halfway point! My official time was 40:29 which was a new PB. Awesome work by Robyn with a time for the 10km of 52:04 and the 29th female across the line (out of 169)!!!!!!!!!!


So what's next for Sarah? Well, I am competing in the Pink Triathlon in 2 weeks and am really looking forward to it! I had a ride around Rotto yesterday and felt pretty good so BRING IT ON! My plan is to get my training on in the next five weeks so that when Bernie comes back from her honeymoon she is GOBSMACKED by my progress. So what do I have planned? Well, this Friday I am heading to Mindarie with Terri and whoever else wants to come for some beach walking and dune running - gotta smash it up before the wedding on Saturday! The following weekend is the triathlon and then the weekend after that I am doing the eagle hike again. Mixed in with that is my normal 2 PT sessions a week with my trainer Gill, some swimming, some running and some BOXING!


Bernie's wedding is in 5 days which is super exciting! I am planning on blogging throughout the day (although you will see it all at once!) with our adventures, photos and funny quotes for the day. Of course, we can't put any photos online until after the ceremony otherwise Mike will see Bernie before the ceremony and that just won't do! Still have heaps to do before then, including sleep so I need to sign off now.

Until you read again...


Sunday, 16 October 2011

We beat the Texans!

This afternoon 1401 people Zumba'd for Telethon, out in the heat at the Perth Convention Centre. We mingled with celebrities and got our jiggy on!

A few technical issues along the way, mainly due to Transperth stopping trains between Stirling and Perth! So...4 trains and 2 buses later including keeping our balance standing on the bus, we survived.

At the moment we are sitting on the train with Elaine, waiting for the train to move! We will have to finish this later though, so we can add our photo with George (Kabo on Packed to the Rafters).


At the train station with Elaine

On the bus to Perth from Stirling

The Perth Crew with George!

Well, until next time...

Sarah and Bernie

P.S. If you would like to train with me (Sarah) while Bernie is away on her honeymoon and make a guest appearance on this blog let me know!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Eagle View Hike

What an achievement! Today we hiked the 15k loop at John Forrest National Park. It took us 5 hours to complete, and was quite challenging at times because there was little shade, and many high inclines to walk. The views were absolutely amazing. We learned a few things:

1. Moondyne Joe the bushranger blazed the trails that we were walking.
2. Honkey nuts don't exist in Adelaide.
3. What Bernie thought was a nut in her shoe, turned out to be a MASSIVE blister which requires attention and is most unpleasant! Yuck.
4. Orange juice, wine & beer go down a treat after a 15k walk.
5. Sometimes rocks look like houses.

Now... Bernie must go lance her goiter. Sarah will continue this enlightening entry...

So 12 days ago I headed off on the Bibbulmun Track with Terri and Dorianne and hiked for 10km with a 10kg pack on my back. Today, in comparison I only had about 1kg on my back (I think) and we hiked for 15km. I had a great time but my short hamstrings are now quite sore again so I am looking forward to Yoga on Monday night.

We are now in the final countdown for Bernie's wedding which is in 2 weeks today. In fact, as I am writing this I notice the time is 4:17pm which means this time in 2 weeks Bernie will be getting married! My dress is so big, and it falls off my shoulders so it will be getting taken in sometime this week. Still on my to-do list for the wedding is to write my speech, record the music for Bernie and us girls to walk down the aisle to and buy my shoes!

So what is next in the adventure's of Sarah and Bernie? Well, Term 4 starts on Monday so I (Sarah) am heading back to school and Bernie will be heading off on her honeymoon so will be away for a month. There will be a wedding blog and then I will be lonesome :( My plan is to lose a lot of weight in the month Bernie is away so that I look heaps different when she anyone who wants to be my workout buddy let me know!

  1. We made some new friends, and got to hang out with friends like Elaine and Terri
  2. Finishing
  3. Date loaf (Bernie friendly = Dairy free)
  4. Bernie lives next to a nurse
  5. Dairy Free Orange Chocolate (at Bernie's house!)
  1. 15km up and down hills is HARD!
  2. Blisters hurt
  3. Sarah does not have long hamstrings

You know you want are the pics!

Yep...our normal pic! Couldn't do a trip anywhere without this shot!

Our final calorie count. Total burnt 4526!

Some of the girls afterwards!
Elaine, Terri, Kathy, Sarah, Bernie and Jade

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

I know where I've been...

Sarah's Story

There is a song in the movie Hairspray that has the line "I know where I'm going, and I know where I've been" and I think this is quite true of where I am at at the moment. This past week Bernie and I have been reflecting a bit about our journey so far. Where we have come from and what we have achieved. Bernie found an old photo of me at a wedding a few years ago and I just could't believe the difference. I know that I have really been growing on the inside (and shrinking on the outside!) I thought I would share with you my journal entry from just after Emazon Stand Your Ground earlier this year...

Who am I?
What do I want?
I want to be free to live my life. I want to feel healthy, happy, strong, confident. I want to be free of the restrictions I have placed around me. I want to feel comfortable by myself.

What am I afraid of?
I am afraid that no one will love me if I don't act the way they want me to. I am afraid that I will be alone, left behind by friends who are getting married and having kids. I am afraid that I will always be overweight and uncomfortable with myself.

What is holding me back?
My blue chic is running the show, reminding me of all the times in the past I have tried something and failed. In health/fitness, finances, so many aspects of my life.

My red chic has gotten to the truck point again and again and I haven't learnt. I want to let her out. I want to allow her to run my life. I want to feel alive and feel good and feel happy. I want her to take control and not take any crap from anyone!

So now here I am, much healthier, much happier and much more confident! I am really looking forward to wear I go from here.

Bernie's Story

I have always battled with my weight. I have been 'heavy' since I was about 8 years old, and bullied by my peers about it all through my school years. Psychologically and physically, my build was a heavy weight to bare. Swimming and sport lessons were terrible, then later trying to find clothes for parties, or school events. I had very little confidence about the way I looked, and when I did find some, it was often knocked down again by hurtful comments. I am 31 now. I know, I should build that metaphorical bridge (Perth Crew is helping significantly...), but some things, while they don't have the sting in them that they used to - have not been forgotten.

Example 1 (from a boy who was friends with my best friends boyfriend): "Look, I think you are a nice person, but you don't have the body to match"

Example 2 (some random I didn't know): "You look like a fat Brooke Shields!"

Example 3: (guy in a club) "You'd be hot if you weren't fat"

Example 4: (a girl in the same 9th grad cooking class I took is consoling a friend, she so tactfully uses me as an example) "No, you're not fat! (nods towards me and doesn't lower her voice) "She's fat!"

Looking back, half the time I thought I was hideous, I actually wasn't. I had curly brown hair and was a healthy size 14. I just didn't fit in with the bottle blonde size 8 that Dolly magazine was promoting.  Then later, I was a 16, then an 18, then a 20...

So yes. 31. Still chubby (but finally doing something about it!), but now I feel comfortable in my skin. I've grown up, have good friends, a great career and the people I choose to suround myself with are those who support me in my journey. Now, it is about health and feeling good, being able to sleep and breathe and function properly in society.

So, I have been thinking about Sarah's journal entry. I thought i'd answer the questions here too:

Who am I?
I am a woman who has chosen to get healthy, and to try her hardest to lose weight. I am a librarian, a teacher, I'm almost a wife (yay!). I am a woman who is looking forward to her future.

What do I want?
I want to be a good mother, when the time comes to expand our little family. I want to make sure that my children learn good values about health, and how you should treat other people. I want to be a good example.

What is holding me back?
Time... and wasting it. I work hard. I get tired. I sleep. I need to be accountable to the fact that if I don't do it today, tomorrow's healthy me, may never come. I don't ever want that.

I too am looking forward to the next stage in my journey :-)

 Past Photos (for better or worse!)

Boat trip 11 August 2006

 'Alice' photoshoot 20 September 2007

Bernie's birthday party 17 March 2007

Garden Party in Karratha 8 September 2007 (we confused many people with these wigs!)

Cocktails at Icon in Karratha 10 October 2007 

Out at Burswood 11 October 2008

Amanda's wedding 12 April 2008

Day trip to Rottnest 7 October 2009

Friday, 7 October 2011

Week 2 Blogger Challenge: HEALTH

What is health?

For me (Sarah) I think that health would be when I can walk up one flight of stairs without puffing and my heart rate jumping straight up to 150!

Health is an interesting issue. I have had a low immune system for many years, and I am finally in the place where I am NOT catching every little bug that goes around (no flu for me this year, just one little cold!). In previous years I would catch absolutely everything and it sucked. I think it definitely shows that my clean eating and exercising has helped my level of health.

What do you think Bernie????

Health has been on my mind for some time. Most recently, when embarking on this 12WBT journey. I've been thinking about how good I feel when I work out. How I can sleep at night again, wake feeling refreshed and have energy to work the day and exercise some more. I feel stronger, my movement is more fluid, and I am beginning to feel more comfortable in my skin. 

It has taken me a long, long time to get to this point. When I was younger, I wanted to be slim and look cute in clothes. It was more about being attractive (it's sad to say, but i'm sure many of us have been there), but now - particularly after a horrific car accident which has left me with a sore back - it is more about feeling good. I am being careful with everything I put into my body. I want to fuel it with healthy food, snack to keep my metabolism going (not for the hell of it), and I want to feel GOOD!

And good health is not a 3 month fix... it is a life journey. :)

Saturday, 1 October 2011


A BERNIE THOUGHT... My shoulders hurt a bit and I have a sore hip. Sarah probably has a sore lady chest appendage, as I um... missed the actual target when I was throwing a punch today (does this mean we are even because she packed me a full punch in the arm when we were at emazon?). Oops.

Hi again from Sarah & Bernie. We have been having a lot of fun this weekend with boxing gloves! It is AMAZING how many calories you can burn from punching with gusto, and combining the punching with intervals of cardio is a recipe for... fitness and success! It is also a lot of fun :-)

A SARAH THOUGHT...Why oh why did I go rock climbing after two boxing sessions? Or, more to the point...why did I then go to Jacob's ladder????

So, this morning we were joined for breakfast at my (Sarah) house by our awesome friend Kate Farley, who came to Kimax and Rock climbing. Chef Sarah cooked up a storm after PunchFit which had my parents asking (via text as they are in Adelaide) why I don't cook for them while they are home! An awesome breakfast for only 314 calories and it was sooooo good!

This afternoon Chef Sarah made up 'Sarah's Sweet-Tooth Snack' for the weekly challenge, the photo with recipe is below - only 137 calories and full of deliciousness!

Kimax at Morley

Punchfit NOR

Awesomeness for 314 calories

137 calories of yumminess

BOLLYWOOD (and could and did!)

This entry is a little late (sorry!) but we've been busy little 12wbt-ers and haven't had time to jump on and report our findings! Bernie's BOLLYWOOD hens party was AWESOME. Despite an amazing amount of RED FLAG craziness (including delicious pastries, cupcakes and nibbles and a never ending booze bar) neither of us gained weight! Perhaps it was something to do with our fitness focus this weekend.

Exercise it:
  • Did our very first PUNCHFIT at Carine Open Space. It was AWESOME. We burned a few extra calories with a little jog around the oval, and took in some beautiful fresh morning air. 
  • Did a super hilarious and fun Bollywood dance (and didn't wear our heart rate monitors, after much debate). We learned some silly moves... 'apple picking', 'the camel', 'the gorilla', 'point to your toes', 'isn't my hand lovely?' and 'run around like crazy women' (have had much practice being nuts, so this was easy).
  • Considered doing the DNA tower the next afternoon -  but Perth's weather made it unsafe. Boooo!

Food wise...
  •  Sarah (as a bridesmaid), made sure the party was well stocked with fruit and veg and sparkling water, so we always had good options available. Thanks Sarah !
  • The next day: we made pretty little baggies of sugar almonds for Bernie's wedding and didn't eat many (Bernie ate ONE! - as quality adviser, naturally!)

 The funniest thing that night though, was the 'gift bag' from the dance instructor. Inside, was a sequin encrusted 2 piece set (boob tube and pants) the size of a.. um... 4 year old? When I, Bernie, get to my goal weight, (Lord help us) I plan to put it on and dance around for the fun of it. For that evening though.... I wore it on my head !!!

Here are some happy snaps from the evening...

The set up...

Our standard shot!


Signing off... bindi wearing, bolly struttin' groovesters that we are, 
Bernie & Sarah